The Leadership Question: "Would you re-hire these trustees to be on your team if you alone had the responsibility to choose?"
The Strengths of the Current Board of School Trustees.
The current Langley Board of Education is a healthy Board. Elections are strange and discouraging seasons. Strange because you get to talk about yourself and your opinions. Discouraging because it is thought of as a battle...a war zone where people and relationships are beaten up...the strongest wins. In my opinion, it is not a battle against politicians but a battle of paradigms. I decided I would disrupt this status quo and publish what I see as the strengths of each Board Member and leave you with another perspective to make a healthy decision on October 20th 2018.
Township Incumbents:
Meghan Dykeman
Meghan brings to the Board a legal perspective. She is studying law and this makes sense. This perspective is important because it is the world we live in. I value this perspective and it is one the Board needs.
Rod Ross
I would say that I bring a heart perspective to the Board. This people focus is natural for me and it is needed because...we are in the people business. Innovative thinking is another strength.
David Tod
David also has a big heart. As a returning trustee he brings an "elementary school" perspective to the Board.
Township Candidates:
Cheryl Snowden
I would say that Cheryl is gifted in welcoming students and community. For years she had the Board Office Reception Desk role in the district. She made everyone feel valued and appreciated. Cheryl has a special needs son and understands the challenges of this part of our community.
Suzanne Perrault
As a former DPAC President she has leadership strengths and also has special needs children and therefore brings that to the table.
Brent Larsen
Brent is a business person and for that I am impressed and grateful that he will bring that perspective to the Board. I have only had phone discussions with Brent so I cannot speak much further than that.
(NOTE: I have never met or dialogued with any of the other candidates and therefore will not comment on them.)
City Incumbents:
Shelley Coburn
Shelley is a very thoughtful person. She will script her thoughts before she speaks. A single mom who balances the board discussions with thoughtful and intelligent commentary.
City Candidates:
Candy Ashdown
Candy is a mini-Diane Pona (just like her Mother whom I served with previously on the Board.) Candy brings her unionize flavour to the table. The Unions purpose is to represent the needs of the individual and to add balance to the power of management. Candy does this well and I hope she will return to the Board.
So there you have it. A very diverse Board...I look forward to seeing whom you will elect.
Choose your leaders wisely. Considering my comments and your own insight...ask yourself The Leadership Question "Would you re-hire them to be on your team if you alone had the responsibility to choose?"
Township Incumbents:
Meghan Dykeman
Meghan brings to the Board a legal perspective. She is studying law and this makes sense. This perspective is important because it is the world we live in. I value this perspective and it is one the Board needs.
Rod Ross
I would say that I bring a heart perspective to the Board. This people focus is natural for me and it is needed because...we are in the people business. Innovative thinking is another strength.
David Tod
David also has a big heart. As a returning trustee he brings an "elementary school" perspective to the Board.
Township Candidates:
Cheryl Snowden
I would say that Cheryl is gifted in welcoming students and community. For years she had the Board Office Reception Desk role in the district. She made everyone feel valued and appreciated. Cheryl has a special needs son and understands the challenges of this part of our community.
Suzanne Perrault
As a former DPAC President she has leadership strengths and also has special needs children and therefore brings that to the table.
Brent Larsen
Brent is a business person and for that I am impressed and grateful that he will bring that perspective to the Board. I have only had phone discussions with Brent so I cannot speak much further than that.
(NOTE: I have never met or dialogued with any of the other candidates and therefore will not comment on them.)
City Incumbents:
Shelley Coburn
Shelley is a very thoughtful person. She will script her thoughts before she speaks. A single mom who balances the board discussions with thoughtful and intelligent commentary.
City Candidates:
Candy Ashdown
Candy is a mini-Diane Pona (just like her Mother whom I served with previously on the Board.) Candy brings her unionize flavour to the table. The Unions purpose is to represent the needs of the individual and to add balance to the power of management. Candy does this well and I hope she will return to the Board.
So there you have it. A very diverse Board...I look forward to seeing whom you will elect.
Choose your leaders wisely. Considering my comments and your own insight...ask yourself The Leadership Question "Would you re-hire them to be on your team if you alone had the responsibility to choose?"